QA and Assessment Boards

Assessment Boards (Apprenticeships):

These Boards have been formally introduced in 2019/20 to ensure that Boards are looking at the whole Apprenticeship.

The agenda covers progress against milestones for knowledge skills and behaviours, 20% OTJT and employer engagement and feedback.

All elements of the Apprenticeship are formally assessed and monitored including readiness to progress through Gateway to End Point Assessment. 

The Assessment Boards (Apprenticeships) will meet at three points within the academic calendar (March, July and November) and take place for the majority of Departments for the first time in July 2020.

Please note that Department Assessment Boards (DABs) will continue to ratify the module/course marks for apprenticeship provision, however there will be some departments that require additional Assessment Boards (Apprenticeships) to run outside the March, July and November dates if confirmation of Gateway leading to End Point Assessment is required. These Assessment Boards (Apprenticeships) will by exception be able to ratify module/course marks alongside the additional apprenticeship monitoring to allow progression to Gateway.

A recorded presentation by Stephen Bolton in BESE for the new Assessment Board (Apprenticeships) giving an overview of the purpose, board agenda, role and responsibilities can be viewed below: