MAYTAS Hub is live from from October 2021, including functionality for:

  • 20% Off The Job Training Log
  • Apprenticeship Progress Review (ESFA compliant digital form)
  • Milestone monitoring for KSBs
  • Skills Scan review function to use at progression points
  • E-portfolio function with evidence tracking

Guidance for Apprentices can be accessed here.

Does this affect all Apprenticeship Cohorts?

For ESFA compliance and OfSTED requirements we are moving all provision now to MAYTAS Hub for the functionality listed above for all new and recent cohorts.  The exceptions are only in relation to the E-portfolio function for :

  • Any cohorts who have commenced their second year / Level 5 using a different system may transition to MAYTAS Hub E-portfolio, but will not be required to transition if that presents too much challenge.  This will be based on a collaborative conversation and if appropriate the identification of a sensible target dates.
  • Any cohorts who have commenced their final year / Level 6 study using a different system will not transition to MAYTAS Hub E-Portfolio.

For Postgraduate Programmes, we will not transition anyone who is past half way of their programme.

What about other systems?

Whilst MAYTAS is unavailable to academic staff, we appreciate you will need to continue your existing practices in some respects.  We are aware that some provision relies on Pebblepad (or other platform) for specific activities, for example: for Work Based Project activity and active reflections / VLOGs / etc.  If you have any questions regarding the continued, parallel use of other systems please email

However, for the functionality listed above we are changing over to MAYTAS.

What about training?

  • Your Work Based Learning Coach will be trained to use MAYTAS Hub (October 2021)
  • Your WBL Coach will provide training to Apprentices in a workshop and in Apprenticeship Progress Reviews (October/November 2021)
  • Apprenticeship Course Leaders should ensure the training is agreed and then clearly timetabled for Apprentices.
  • Guidance to Apprentices will be posted and stored in this section of AIIR (with a careful reworking of most bullet point sections to recognise the continued use of other systems)
  • Demonstration material and further guidance will be updated in this page for Academics delivery teams.