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Claire Craig (2011) – bio

Claire Craig’s career has spanned health and social care practice, the arts, further and higher education. She describes her approach to learning and teaching as one that seeks to inspire students to realise their potential.

Within her learning, teaching and assessment role at Sheffield Hallam University Claire has developed a range of creative and innovative ways to engage students. These have ranged from initiatives in on-line role play and the use of games in learning through to the creation of real world learning opportunities in the UK and in Europe which have enabled students to navigate the tensions between theory and practice.

The inspirational nature of Claire’s professional practice that has been so successful with students has also had a profoundly stimulating and energising effect on her peers. She has advised, engaged and inspired colleagues through presentations, one-to-one peer supported activity, internal and external publications including six single authored books and two co-authored books.

In 2010 Claire received the Subject Centre for Health Sciences and Practice Learning and Teaching Award (institution based).

Claire seeks to act as a role model to students so that they are able to recognise the importance of research within their practice. Her own research, in relation to active ageing and supported self-management has significantly contributed to her profession’s evidence base and has led to external recognition. In 2010 she received both the innovations award and Rompa quality of life award from her professional body. Her approach has been described as being a ‘perfect example of research-teaching synergy’ (David Crowther, head of research informed teaching)

The breadth of her teaching and research is notable. She holds a research post in Lab4Living, an interdisciplinary collaboration between health and social care research and design, and is one of only a handful of lecturers at the university who has been able to work across two faculties. Of this she says ‘I want to demonstrate to students the opportunities that trans-disciplinary work offers and to be a role model for entrepreneurship and pioneering practice.’
