All Reviewers for the Practitioner Routes D2 and D3 hold SFHEA or PFHEA and for D1 only hold a minimum of FHEA. They have all been trained prior to commencing the role. This includes training workshops; calibration review exercises and 4th reviewer (i.e. ‘dummy’) panel participation. This is refreshed annually via a training day which may include elements recommended by the Standardisation Panel. Individual Reviewers could receive intermediary feedback from the Standardisation Panels as appropriate.
Reviewers make individual judgements on each application which are then scrutinised by the Senior Reviewer (review panel chair) who is responsible for the process by which the individual judgements become the Panel’s provisional decision. These will be passed on as recommendations to the Standardisation Panel. This Panel will bring together the (four) Senior Reviewers (review panel chairs), the TALENT Scheme leader and the Advance HE External reviewer. They will receive a summary of all submissions and a cross-sectional sample of submissions including all those Not Yet Awarded alongside a selection of borderline awards and clear awards from a variety of Descriptor categories. They will moderate the decision-making process across the experiential routes. This Panel will act as the final ratification body for decisions and will report findings and make recommendations which will be passed to the Oversight Group. Exceptionally, they may exercise the right to change decisions recommended by the review panels.
The TALENT Scheme is managed by the TALENT Oversight Group which brings together key stakeholders from Academic Development and Diversity (where TALENT is led and administrated), the Doctoral School, College Heads of Learning & Teaching Enhancement and Senior Reviewers. It is chaired by the Head of Academic Development & Inclusivity, receives reports from our external and produces reports including the annual report to Advance HE. The purpose of the Oversight Group is not to evaluate individual submissions but to quality assure the whole process. Issues or decisions which go beyond the remit of this group will be escalated to the appropriate Academic Governance group, as will overall progress (eg against HESA outcomes).
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