Your submission will be reviewed independently by all three reviewers. They will review your application against the relevant Descriptor criteria, looking for evidence that your approach to teaching/supporting and managing learning is grounded in an understanding of how learners develop knowledge and practice within your discipline or role. Your evidence should therefore be reflective, not just descriptive. They will also look for indications of how you evaluate your effectiveness and how you develop your approach in the light of your experience and continuing professional development. A holistic approach to reviewing your application will be adopted and reviewers will seek evidence from across your application. Each reviewer will complete a proforma including their decision and the grounds for that decision and forward it to the Review Panel chair who will facilitate the process by which the Panel produces a joint outcome.
A confidentiality statement is sent to all reviewers selected for each panel and members are asked to declare interests or line management relationships in advance of reading an applicant’s submission. In such a case they will be recused from the decision-making on that applicant and an alternative Reviewer will be substituted.
The chair will ensure that considerations about a candidate beyond the content of the submission do not form part of the Reviewers comments and feedback. This will ensure that submissions are evaluated against the relevant Descriptor criteria in the UKPSF, on the basis of what is presented only, including referee statements.
The chair will then collate those decisions and produce a provisional outcome based on the Reviewers feedback in preparation for the Standardisation Panel.
The Standardisation Panel is there to moderate and benchmark both the provisional decisions made and the reviewers themselves. The panel has the capacity to change provisional decisions where appropriate. The panel will consist of all (four) Review Panel chairs plus an external, and the TALENT scheme leader (who is not involved in mentoring candidates). This panel constructs the feedback for referred or borderline cases thereby ensuring that feedback for these applicants is constructed by a group of highly experienced reviewers, focusing especially on criterion-based feedforward. Verbal feedback will be delivered alongside written feedback for referred candidates.