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Student Rep Timeline


The following is an example timeline of when actions take place during the academic year.


  • Process planning for Course Rep recruitment and training

September / October

  • Recruit  Course Reps
  • Organise Course Rep training
  • Student Rep Steering Group


  • Students’ Union and College staff run Dept Rep induction
  • Input Course and Rep data into SITS
  • Student Rep Steering Group

October / November

  • Students’ Union and College staff run Course Rep training
  • Organise Dept Rep membership of college, department, and university  committees
  • Student Rep Steering Group

November / December

  • Staff-Student committee meeting 1 / Dept Student Board 1
  • Organise Reflective Workshops for Student Reps
  • Evaluate training
  • Student Rep Steering Group


  • Organise Course Rep recruitment for January starters
  • Update milestones on SITS
  • Student Rep Steering Group


  • Begin to organise Department Rep recruitment for next academic year
  • Staff-student committee meeting 2 / Dept Student Board 2
  • Organise Reflective Workshops for Student Reps
  • Student Rep Steering Group

April / May

  • Recruit Department Reps
  • Nominate Reps for SU awards
  • Student Rep Steering Group
  • Give out rewards
  • U Rep Celebration Event
  • Evaluate the Rep process


  • Dept Student Board 3
  • Student Rep Steering Group


  • Commence Student Rep recruitment for following academic year 3
  • Plan autumn training
  • Student Rep Steering Group

Ongoing tasks

  • Evaluate the Rep process / make improvements
  • Track and monitor reps and update SITS
  • Support reps on collating and sharing feedback and participating in meetings
  • Communicate decisions around the College / University