Student Support - page 24

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Eating Disorders Awareness Week

Monday 23 February – Sunday 1 March 2015 The annual Eating Disorders Awareness Week runs from 23 February to 1 March and is focused on increasing people’s knowledge and understanding of eating disorders. It is estimated that 1.6 million people in the UK are affected by…

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Support for carers

Support for carers

Do you look after someone who couldn’t manage without your help? Find out about the range of support available for people with caring responsibilities – check out our recent blog post here. If you are a student at Sheffield Hallam who has caring responsibilities, you…

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Spades to the ready…

Spades to the ready…

The next Gardening Club workshop will be taking place tomorrow, February 10, between 10am and 4pm and you are invited to come down and get involved! This will be a hands-on session to build the raised beds with a member of GrowSheffield helping out so…

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University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day

University Mental Health and Wellbeing Day

11am – 2pm, Wednesday 18th February, 2015 This annual event is aimed at promoting the wellbeing of students and staff in Higher Education settings and forms part of SHU’s commitment to the recently signed Time to Change Pledge and to the Healthy Universities agenda, with…

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Support for people who are carers

Support for people who are carers

Are you a carer? Find out more about the support available from your local carers organisations I’m Jess Inglis and part of my job as a Student Adviser at Sheffield Hallam University is to provide a point of contact for students with caring responsibilities. I…

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Do you have Time to Talk?

Do you have Time to Talk?

Do you have a few minutes to spare and could you talk to someone about how they are feeling? Thursday 5th February is Time to Talk Day where the nation is being asked to take 5 minutes to have a conversation about mental health. You don’t have…

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Final day from Students’ Union on Tour…what a great week

Final day from Students’ Union on Tour…what a great week

It’s our final day of guest blogging from Aisha Hassan from Hallam Students’ Union. Thanks for a great week Aisha, we’ve really enjoyed your reports. Over to you… Hey, So it’s the last day of SU on Tour which is quite sad as we do…

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Day four of Students’ Union on Tour…snow disrupted play but there’s still time to get involved!

Day four of Students’ Union on Tour…snow disrupted play but there’s still time to get involved!

Here’s our day four report from Aisha Hassan on this week’s Students’ Union on Tour…   Hello everyone! As I am sure you all noticed today was a very snowy day! It was pretty quiet around campus so we didn’t really get to speak to that many…

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Day three…festivities, freebies and feedback with the Students’ Union on Tour

Day three…festivities, freebies and feedback with the Students’ Union on Tour

Here’s our day three report from Aisha Hassan on this week’s Students’ Union on Tour… Hello everyone! Can you believe we’re halfway through SU on Tour already, oh how time flies! Everyone that has been on a stall has commented on just how useful it has been…

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Day Two…Students’ Union on Tour

Day Two…Students’ Union on Tour

Here’s our day two report from Aisha Hassan on what the Students’ Union is up to this week… “Hey everyone! Hope you have all been getting involved in the various activities around campus! I was on an SU on Tour stall today and it was…

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