Student Support - page 21

IDAHOT – Sunday 17 May 2015

IDAHOT – Sunday 17 May 2015

This Sunday is International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia & Biphobia (IDAHOT or IDAHoBiT) This annual worldwide celebration of sexual and gender diversities was created in 2004 to draw the attention of policymakers, opinion leaders, social movements, the public and the media to the violence and…

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Celebrating LGBT History Month: SIGNAL and Sheffield Hallam University support the Friends of Edward Carpenter

Celebrating LGBT History Month: SIGNAL and Sheffield Hallam University support the Friends of Edward Carpenter

Earlier this year, during the month of February, SIGNAL – the LGBT Staff Network – and Sheffield Hallam University were actively involved in celebrating LGBT History Month. There was a display on Level 5 of the Atrium courtesy of the Friends of Edward Carpenter group and SIGNAL which looked at…

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Mental Health Awareness Week 11-17 May

Mental Health Awareness Week 11-17 May

Each year in May the Mental Health Foundation helps to raise awareness of mental health and wellbeing during Mental Health Awareness Week. This year, the theme of Mental Health Awareness Week is Mindfulness. Mindfulness is the practice of focusing your awareness on the present moment…

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Why your vote does matter!

Why your vote does matter!

As you probably know today is the General Election, a time when we get to decide how the country is run over the next 5 years. After 6 long weeks of campaigning, the wait is over. The talk has stopped and we will can to…

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Preparing for exams and coping with exam stress

Preparing for exams and coping with exam stress

Exams are coming up in May and this can be a worrying and demanding time for many students. But there’s no need to panic; get your preparation right and use the right tools and resources and you’ll be on the right track. We like this exam hints and tips…

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Want to save up to £60 a month on food bills?…come to the Love Food Hate Waste workshop

Want to save up to £60 a month on food bills?…come to the Love Food Hate Waste workshop

The Love Food Hate Waste campaign tells us that: “Food waste is a major issue. We throw away 7 million tonnes of food and drink from our homes every year, the majority of which could have been eaten. It’s costing us £12.5bn a year and…

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Make your voice heard!

Make your voice heard!

If you are a final year undergraduate student, this is your chance to have your say! The National Student Survey is a national, independent survey which evaluates your whole student experience. The purpose of the survey is to provide publicly available information for future students about…

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Want to grow things?…come to the Gardening Club workshops

Want to grow things?…come to the Gardening Club workshops

Calling all gardeners! There is a University garden at the Collegiate campus, open to both student and staff gardeners, or would-be gardeners. Here’s a couple of key dates if you are interested in getting involved with this… A raised bed building workshop is being held, to…

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Help, support and things to do while the University is closed for Easter…

Help, support and things to do while the University is closed for Easter…

The University will be closed from the end of business today, Thursday 2 April for the Easter break and will re-open at 8:45am on Wednesday 8 April. However, remember the Learning Centres will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including the Easter weekend! For more information on Learning…

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Springtime is here!

Springtime is here!

The cold, grey days are (mostly) behind us and so its time to start planning for more pleasant sunny days.  Spring encourages more outside activities such as seeing local wildlife, gardening and outdoor exercise.  Here are our Top Ten ways to enjoy the Spring season in Sheffield:- Plant something green or…

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