Student Support - page 16

Eat well for less: recipe of the day #4

Eat well for less: recipe of the day #4

For National Student Money Week, we’re bringing you tips about how to save money and live on a budget. All this week we are sharing some of our favourite and most affordable recipes.   Today here’s a simple way to use up leftover chicken and…

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Eat well for less: recipe of the day #3

Eat well for less: recipe of the day #3

For National Student Money Week, we’re bringing you tips about how to save money and live on a budget. All this week we are sharing some of our favourite and most affordable recipes. Continuing the curry theme (see yesterday’s recipe) today we’ve got a lentil…

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Eat well for less: recipe of the day #2

Eat well for less: recipe of the day #2

As part of National Student Money Week  we are featuring some affordable, healthy recipes that can help you eat well for less. Curry is a cheap and versatile meal that is perfect for the winter months. Our recipe makes four portions, so it’s a great…

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Eat well for less: recipe of the day #1

Eat well for less: recipe of the day #1

As part of National Student Money Week, we are posting recipes all week of easy, economical meals which will feed 4 people for £5. Meatballs ‘n’ sauce An easy way to round up a hearty meal for your friends or family and include some of your…

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Thursday 4 February is Time to Talk Day

Thursday 4 February is Time to Talk Day

Help break the silence around mental health! Thursday 4 February is Time to Talk Day – is a day when everyone is encouraged to have a conversation about mental health. At Sheffield Hallam University, we want to help break the silence and end the stigma…

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Free Meditation: Thursday 4th Feb

Free Meditation: Thursday 4th Feb

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to meditate? Maybe you already practise meditation and would like to meditate in the company of others? The Sheffield Hallam Students’ Union group Headspace are running a free meditation session at The Hubs this Thursday. Here is the…

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Carers’ Coffee Morning

Carers’ Coffee Morning

Are you a carer? Do you help look after someone at home?   If so, come along to our next carers’ café event.   These are informal events which provide an opportunity to meet fellow student carers, chat, share experiences and find out about support…

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Is Gambling Affecting You?

Is Gambling Affecting You?

Going to university can be a life-changing experience for many people. Student life is often exciting and vibrant; full of rich cultural and intellectual experiences. It’s an opportunity to meet people from across the globe, who have different interests, experiences and outlooks on life yet share…

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National Student Money Week, 8 – 12 Feb

National Student Money Week, 8 – 12 Feb

Save the date Forget Valentine’s day, the key dates to remember in February are 8 – 12 Feb, National Student Money Week.             #NSMW What is National Student Money Week? NSMW is a national event created and supported by the…

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Beating the January Blues

Beating the January Blues

January is a difficult time of year for many of us, with cold weather, long hours of darkness and the next holiday a long way off. It can be hard to motivate ourselves to meet the challenges the New Year brings, whether it’s preparing for exams,…

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