National Student Money Week – Money Saving Apps!

Wonder if you’re getting the most out of your money?

Check out these apps that could save you cash where it counts!

Image_016 MySupermarket

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Getting the best price for your shop

Find the best price for your whole list or a single item. Scan products and compare prices; easily spot the best offers, and get personal vouchers to get cashback. No matter where you shop, pay less.

Image_015 OLIO

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Avoiding waste

OLIO connects neighbours with each other and with local businesses so surplus food can be shared, not thrown away. OLIO can also be used for non-food household items too. Make sure your resources get shared, not wasted, and get some free stuff along the way!

Image_014 Big Oven

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Using up leftovers

Big Oven is a great app for saving money on meals as it has a ‘leftovers’ function that lets you input any ingredients you have around the house. It will then give you an idea of what you can make with them, and with over 350,000 recipes for you to check out, there should be something for everyone.

Image_012 Meter Readings

COST: 1.49 PHONES: iPhone

Good for: Monitoring your utility bills

The app allows you to keep an eye on how much you are spending every day, which might just prompt you to think of some cheaper (and more environmentally friendly!) ways of keeping warm during winter months. Not only this, but it also lets you compare what you’re spending on your energy bills with your neighbours, to see if it’d be worth your while switching providers.

Image_010 Onavo Extend

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Reducing data costs

Onavo Extend is a data compression app that works by squeezing files into smaller versions of themselves so as not to eat up all your data when using 3G/4G on your phone. Essentially, it extends the value of your data plan so you don’t need to constantly search for Wi-Fi networks.

Image_013 Music Magpie

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Making cash off your old music and DVDs

What better way to save money than recycling and selling the games, CDs and DVD you don’t use anymore? The inbuilt barcode scanner allows you to easily scan your items wherever you are and the app will tell you how much they’re worth. You then send the items to Music Magpie (for free) and the cash will be in your account the next day.

Image_011 Idealo

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Comparing prices

There’s nothing worse than buying an item online or in a shop only to find that you could’ve bought it cheaper. Idealo lets you search for, or scan an item to find it’s best price. This will help cut down on those impulse buys, making sure you pay less in the long run.

Image_009 OnTrees

COST: FREE PHONES: iPhone, Android

Good for: Budgeting

Securely connect to your current accounts, credit cards and saving accounts, and see how your money is being spent. You’ll be able to keep track of everything there is to know about your money. OnTrees can help you stick to a budget, save for that holiday in the Caribbean or just see the little things that make your money more interesting.