Once you are settled here in Sheffield you will start to consider your living arrangements for next year. Don’t believe the myth that there is a shortage of student housing in Sheffield – it’s not true, so you don’t need to rush into signing anything until you are sure. We recommend that students wait until after the Housing Fair in November before even considering signing up for a tenancy for the next academic year.

Housing Fair – Tuesday 29th November 12pm – 5pm at The Students’ Union – The HUBS

The Students’ Union is also a partner in the Snug scheme, alongside Sheffield Hallam University and Sheffield City Council.  Snug is the student landlord accreditation scheme, which aims to improve the standards of student accommodation in Sheffield. Each property is inspected by Sheffield City Council before they receive registration and registered landlords have to agree to a code of practice. This means that students get high quality and well managed housing.

Look out for the ‘How Sustainable is Your Home?’ stall at the Fair to discover tips on saving money and reducing waste at home. Including delicious recipe ideas for leftover food items

For more advice & help go to http://hallamstudentsunion.com/advice_help