We’d like to say a big welcome to all our new students starting a course here at Sheffield Hallam.

We hope that you enjoy your first few weeks at University, settling in and meeting new people.


Your University Support Network

Starting at university is a big lifestyle change for most people. You may have moved house or moved away from your home town, leaving important support networks behind, such as friends, family, school or college, past work colleagues etc.

That’s why it’s important that you get to know your network of support services here at Sheffield Hallam. Studying in Higher Education can be challenging and you might have all sorts of demands on your time and resources. Let us help!

Student Support Services

At any time during your course, if you have a question about any aspect of university life, you can ask us! If we don’t know the answer, we will point you in the direction of someone who does. Visit us at Student Support Services. Here, you can discuss any concerns or questions you may have about university life. We will help you to think through your options and will provide you with information about relevant support you may wish to access.

Faculty Student Support

During your time at Sheffield Hallam, it is a good idea to get to know your Faculty Student Support team. This team will help you if you experience problems on your course, for example if you feel you are going to miss a deadline or if you need to take time out of studying for exceptional circumstances. Each course has a designated Student Support Officer. Find out who this person is by visiting your Faculty Helpdesk or by searching on shuspace.

Student Wellbeing

Coming to university may have meant a big change in your life – you might have left home, friends and family. These changes can be very upsetting and unsettling. If you feel you would like to discuss your feelings in a private and confidential space, with a trained counsellor or adviser, please contact our Student Wellbeing team. Visit shuspace for more information.

Study Skills

Studying at Higher Education level can mean a significant change from the way your have studied previously. Don’t get caught out. If you feel yourself starting to struggle with the demands of your course, access support! Visit shuspace for the latest details of academic Study Support sessions and self-help resources.

Support for Disabled Students

If you are a disabled student and have not yet set up your support, it isn’t too late! You still have time to apply for DSA (if you are eligible) and to arrange for a learning contract to be set up.

Support for mature students, care leavers, students with caring responsibilities and students estranged from family

Extra support is also available if you are a mature student, care leaver, a student with caring responsibilities or a student who is estranged from family. To find out more take a look at the information about additional support on shuspace or  Student Support Services

Financial Support

Get advice about budgeting from the Students’ Union Advice Centre or contact Student Funding and Access Support for fees / funding enquiries.

Hallam Help IconFor the latest news information and updates about SHU support services checkout the Student Support Services blog on a regular basis.