At Sheffield Hallam we’re committed to supporting learners from all backgrounds to adapt to University life.

Welcome Week, James Shilton commissioned by PR team

We know that not everyone will want or need extra support, but we want you to understand what you’re entitled to and who to speak to if you do need help.

Is this me?

  • Care leaver – someone who was looked after by the local authority in childhood
  • Estranged student – someone studying without family support
  • Mature student – someone aged 21 or over when starting an undergraduate course, or 25 or over when starting a postgraduate course
  • Student carer – someone who is looking after a family member or friend due to illness, disability, mental health or addiction problems

If this sounds like your circumstances then read on to find out more about additional support that might be available to you.

How we can help

Our dedicated advisers can offer practical, financial and welfare advice including

  • support with settling into University life and help to resolve any issues
  • regular newsletter to help you find out what’s available for you at University
  • more info at
  • supported referrals to university services and local partner organisations

Support for care leavers, estranged students and student carers

Individual support appointments

As a care leaver, estranged student or student carer you can book an Individual Support appointments with an Adviser to give you a space to talk briefly to someone about your situation, discuss any issues or concerns and identify sources of support as needed. These appointments are also a great way to help you identify opportunities, services and events to help you make the most of your time as a student.

Named contacts

You can also access support from a named adviser throughout your time here. This is someone who offers information and advice and can be contacted with any questions.

Advisers for care leavers and estranged students: Emily Marsh and Ruby Robinson

Emily July 16Ruby July 16






Advisers for student carers: Lynette Granger and Robin Kerr

Lynette July 16Robin July 2016



Support for mature students

We will be offering regular drop ins throughout the year for mature students to find out more about the support available at Sheffield Hallam University, including how you can connect with other mature students and get involved with University life. See below for details of our first block of drop in sessions

Mature student drop in Oct2016


Mature student drop in

Every Wednesday in October, 1pm – 4pm, Heart of the Campus

There’s no need to book – simply come along and see an Adviser at Student Support Services, Heart of the Campus, Collegiate.


Keep checking shuspace and the Student Support Services blog for details of future drop in sessions and other events for mature students.

Mature Student Buddying Scheme

We are also piloting a  Buddying Scheme to help new mature students settle into university life and make the most of their time here.

Financial support

FinanceIf you are a care leaver you might be able to receive the Care Leaver Bursary, which gives you £1,500 for each year you’re studying at Sheffield Hallam. Take a look at the bursary information online to find out more.

The Sheffield Hallam Hardship Fund recognises that certain groups of student, including care leavers, estranged students, student carers, disabled students and student parents, have additional costs and are more at risk of financial hardship.

If you are struggling financially you can find out how to apply to the fund by looking at the Can I get additional financial help? page online.

Feel like getting in touch?

Hallam Help IconIf you would like to find out more about this support or to book one of our Individual Support appointments then please visit the Student Support Services Reception at Owen Level 5 City or Heart of the Campus Collegiate. Alternatively you can call 0114 225 3813 or email