Are you a carer? Do you look after someone at home?

Carers Cafe Plasma May

If so, then come along to our last Carers’ Café event of the academic year to find out more about the support available to you.

Owen room 222 the Atrium, Thursday 26 May 2016, 9am – 4pm


Take some much needed time out for yourself during this busy exam period and stop by for a chat

  • Enjoy a drink and cake
  • Meet our friendly team and other student carers
  • Share your University experiences and plans for the summer
  • Talk about your exam preparation and progressUG û WE ARE SHEFFIELD HALLAM-157-LIFESTYLE

We appreciate time is precious and welcome the opportunity to meet you no matter how limited. Alternatively you can always book into an Individual Support appointment with an Adviser. The appointments continue over the summer and are a great way to help you identify opportunities, services and events to help you make the most of your time as a student.

To book one of our Individual Support appointments then please visit the Student Services Reception at Owen Level 5 City or Heart of the Campus Collegiate. Alternatively you can call 0114 225 3813

Find out more on our support for carers pages