Are you a mature student, a student with caring responsibilities or a care leaver? Would you like to know more about the support that’s available to you within the University and beyond?


New in April 2016: Individual Support appointments

If you are a mature student, a student carer or a care leaver we are now offering Individual Support appointments with an Adviser to give you a space to talk briefly to someone about your situation, discuss any issues or concerns and identify sources of support as needed.

These appointments are also a great way to help you identify opportunities, services and events to help you make the most of your time as a student.

If you would like to find out more about this support or to book one of our Individual Support appointments then please visit the Student Services Reception at Owen Level 5 City or Heart of the Campus Collegiate. Alternatively you can call 0114 225 3813 or ask a question online.

Helping you make the most of your time here

There are a number of other initiatives you might like to get involved with throughout your time here. For example, you can

  • work for our team of student ambassadors on a variety of projects and at Open Days
  • attend our focus groups to help us to improve our services and better understand your needs
  • meet and socialise with other students in similar situations by joining
    • the mature students facebook group – run by the Mature Students’ Committee
    • our mature student discussion groups
    • our carer’s café events
    • our term time and vacation social activities – run by the International Experience team
    • Culture Connect – a volunteer peer mentoring scheme – run by the International Experience team

To find out more about these initiatives, or any other aspect of support, you can


Not sure if this applies to you? Have a look below…

Care leaver Someone who was looked after by a local authority during childhood
Carer Someone providing unpaid support to a friend or family member due to an illness, disability, mental health or addiction problem
Mature student Someone aged 21 or over at undergraduate level

Someone aged 25 or over at postgraduate level