All week as part of National Student Money Week, we have been sharing some of our favourite and most affordable recipes.



Below is the final one, try it as a Friday treat!

And remember you can find other ways to save money and live on a budget when it comes to food shopping by taking a look at our Eat Well for Less recipe book, or by browsing useful websites like

Corned Beef Hash with Pancakes

Really filling. Really cheap. Don’t forget the Henderson’s Relish – it really compliments this meal.

What to do:

  1. Boil a pan full of white potatoes (chopped up quite small) until they start to fall into the water.
  2. Then add 3 beef stock cubes and a large chopped up tin of corned beef (get the low salt one) and a large drained tin of cooked carrots (pop a knife in the tin and chop up a little) and any other veg you might have left over but just the carrots would be sufficient.
  3. Keep it on low to thicken but remember to keep stirring or it will stick to the bottom of the pan and burn.
  4. Once it is cooked it is ok to turn it off and reheat later. This is an ideal meal if your housemates are arriving home at different times.
  5. Make a pile of pancakes, these also can be pre cooked and warmed in the microwave later. Stack with a sheet of kitchen roll between each one. Do some thick ones and some thinner ones for the lighter appetite.

Ingredients for Pancakes

1 cup self-raising flour

1 cup semi skimmed milk

1 egg oil for cooking

Put the flour, milk, egg and salt in a mixing bowl and whisk until smooth. Once combined, heat a little oil in a frying pan, make sure it is really hot then add a small amount of batter depending on the size and thickness of pancake required. Cook for a minute until golden on the bottom and then flip over and cook for another minute.

TIP: Any left over batter can be kept in the fridge for a couple of days and remember you can cook these and turn them into sweet pancakes by sprinkling on sugar/lemon/honey/fruit for breakfast or a quick snack.