Student Wellbeing aims to raise awareness of bullying and of sources of help and advice.  Please share this information with other staff members and with students.  There currently a display of useful materials in the Student Wellbeing area on Level 1 of the Surrey Building.

What is bullying?

Bullying is repeated behaviour that is intended to hurt someone either emotionally or physically.

Bullying takes many forms:

  • physical assault
  • teasing
  • making threats
  • name calling
  • excluding
  • making unreasonable demands


It can happen anywhere, is not restricted to schools and takes place in all walks of life, including University and work settings.

Many young people have been bullied at school and starting at University can bring up unpleasant memories, causing distress and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression.

Bullying can occur in University accommodation and in shared houses and it can feel very difficult to escape from these situations.

Cyber bullying which takes place via the medium of emails, texts and social media such as Facebook is now being reported at a worrying rate.  It is distressing as it has the potential to permeate into all areas of an individual’s life.

What can you do about bullying?

Talk to someone in your faculty, your GP, support services or the Student Union and get help.

You can find Sheffield Hallam University’s Student Anti-Harassment Policy on SHU space.

Useful organisations providing advice and information include:

Stonewall are also running a campaign called NOBYSTANDERS enabling people to stand up to bulling and hurtful language.  To find out more or to get involved go to