13th – 21st June 2015 is Bike Week! Here in Student Services some of us are still reeling from the excitement of the Tour de France which came to Sheffield last year. Sheffield hosted the finish of the second day of the Grand Départ and it seemed like the whole of Sheffield Hallam University was getting in on the action!


Events-TdF-1044-Grand-Depart (1)

Since then, there’s been the Tour de Yorkshire and cycling has continued to thrive as a growing interest in the UK.

                                                                                 But I’m not a pro – how can I get involved in Bike Week?!

Yorkshire and Derbyshire have excellent routes for cycling, both on the roads and off-road on trails and bridleways. Here are some suggestions for ways to get involved:

  • For a nice family-friendly introduction to cycling, why not visit the Monsal Trail Cycle Route in Derbyshire? You can even hire bikes for the entire family…and there are no hills involved!
  • Eroica Britannia cycling festival was named as ‘One of the Best Value Family Eroica BritanniaFestivals in the UK’ by Visit England. Hosted in Bakewell, less than 20 miles outside of Sheffield, this is a classic style and cycling festival which is sure to leave you itching to get in the saddle! 
  • Buxton to Derby cycle ride – this annual event will be taking place on 3rd July and costs £10 to enter. Click the link for further info.
  •  RideforEric. The first RideforEric in September 2014 was organised to remember Eric Codling who was killed by a reckless driver whilst out on his Sunday bike ride in early November 2013. RideforEric primarily exists to promote safe cycling activities and maintain a bereavement counselling service run by Cavendish Cancer Care. Find out how you can get involved on 12th July here.
  • Ride safely around Sheffield. If you use your bike to commute to work or university, why not check the Sheffield City Council Cycle Map, to ensure you’re using the most bike-friendly routes?


Please always remember to cycle safely – take a look at the US Bike to Work Day’s Safe Riding Tips: (adapted for UK road-users!)

  • You may wish to wear a helmet.
  • Always signal when riding on the road.
  • Be alert.
  • Make eye contact with drivers.
  • Leave room for left-turning vehicles when stopped at a red light.
  • Be visible! Wear bright colours during the day and white or reflective clothing at night.
  • Cross tram tracks perpendicularly to prevent catching a wheel and falling.
  • Give an audible signal when you pass a pedestrian or someone traveling more slowly than you are, whether you are on the street or a path.
  • Respect and be considerate of other road, path and trail users.
  • Check with the city or county where you habitually ride about additional local biking ordinances.