Here’s our day four report from Aisha Hassan on this week’s Students’ Union on Tour…


Hello everyone!

As I am sure you all noticed today was a very snowy day!

It was pretty quiet around campus so we didn’t really get to speak to that many of you today 🙁 All the Get Active Week activities had to be cancelled too. Hopefully the snow will all melt away by tomorrow so that everything can go back to normal 🙂

So just one more day of SU on Tour to go! Let’s make it a good one! We want to speak to as many of you as we can! We love hearing the great feedback you always have to give!

SU on tour giveaways

Don’t forget to take away those awesome freebies with you that I mentioned in yesterday blog post. There is also some really interesting literature about the Students’ Union that you should definitely pick up too. The fake money which is actually a discount voucher is a good one! It’ll save you loads in Bar Phoenix and the Pod4 shop!

vouchers for su on tour


See you tomorrow!