What covered two campuses, employed 18 Student Ambassadors, had seven information and banner stands, attended two welcome events, handled over 12,000 enquiries and livetweeted? Why the Advice and Information Points project of course!

A&I Points Student Ambassadors livetweeting

A&I Points Student Ambassadors livetweeting

The project, which has been running in various forms since 2003, is to support new and returning students. This academic year, the Advice and Information Points project ran from 8 September to 3 October 2014, covering the main enrolment and induction period.

We had some great Student Ambassadors working with us,  at City and Collegiate Campuses, Student Advice and Information reception and Student Financial Support. This was the first year we’ve run the Twitter live Q&A sessions and our Student Ambassadors and staff were able to respond to queries from new students to help them find their way round. As well as handling over 12,000 enquiries our Ambassadors also gained some great skills and experience as the quotes below show…

“I liked being able to work with new students and helping them.”

“You get to speak to a range of different people and feel satisfied knowing that you have helped make their settling in period easier.”

 “It improved my awareness of the university buildings, locations, different support services available to students.”

A&I Points Student Ambassadors ready for business!

A&I Points Student Ambassadors ready for business!

“I thoroughly enjoyed working with your team. The best part for me was meeting new students and helping them with any questions they had. I also made a lot of good friends through the process.”

“I feel a lot more confident approaching people since being part of the project, and feel more confident working as part of a team.”

All in all, it was a really successful project, which benefited both the new students and the students working as Ambassadors. So roll on A&I Points 2015…