Upcoming Bite Back Support Groups are scheduled for:-

Monday Bite Back Support Group
Monday 17 November 5.00pm – 6.30pm
University of Sheffield, The Octagon, TV Lounge

Wednesday Bite Back Support Group
Wednesday 19 November 6.00pm – 7.00pm
Sheffield Hallam University, Collegiate Campus (Collegiate Crescent), Heart Of The Campus, Room HC.0.17

Students from both universities are welcome at either group.

Bite Back is a support group for students who have an eating disorder. It is run in association with SYEDA www.syeda.org.uk (a registered charity supporting those affected by eating disorders in South Yorkshire) and sessions are led by trained SYEDA volunteers and offer free support, information and safe and confidential space to share your experiences.

For more information contact SYEDA at: info@syeda.org.uk | Telephone: 0114 272 8822.
More links:-

  • B-eat www.b-eat.co.uk helplines, online support and details of local self-help groups

If you would like to talk to someone confidentially and impartially about any issue of student life, get in touch with the Advice and Information team in person at city or collegiate campus, or by telephone.