Alice and Gary ready to help

During September and early October there will be Advice and Information Points located at key points at both campuses.

The A&I Points will be staffed by student ambassadors, willing and ready to help.

There will also be student ambassador ‘roamers’ who will be present at both campuses, they will be easily identifiable in Advice and Information t –shirts and will be carrying our distinctive ‘Need Help Ask Me’ lollipop sticks.

Vicky, back for another year to help fellow students

The ambassadors will support all new and returning students, not only in navigating the campuses, but also in finding their place in university life. This year we have asked the ambassadors for their ‘ top ten tips for new students’ and these have been added to a helpful booklet that they will be handing out

We encourage you to approach our ambassadors if you need any advice or information during your first few weeks; they have all been new starters themselves and now exactly how daunting that first week can be!