Staff Wellbeing: October

Staff Wellbeing Support

As staff, you can access a variety of wellbeing support here at Hallam.


Random Coffee

Random Coffee pairs up colleagues from across the University randomly every six weeks to meet for a coffee (or any other drink!) and a chat. Since the scheme started last September, over 500 members of staff have taken part with many saying its helped them to understand more about our colleagues and how different areas of the University work. The scheme is open to all staff


LGBT+ staff also have the opportunity to sign up to LGBTea+ at Hallam which operates in the same way as Random Coffee and to be part of the first pairings you can sign up here by Monday 14 October. LGBT+ staff are encouraged to participate in both schemes.

Staff Disability Network

Spark! Is a network built for and run by disabled staff. Using the principles of the social model of disability, we want to push the institution to become a sector leading employer of disabled people. We are open to disabled staff members, carers and parents of disabled people. Find out more on the blog.

Parent & Carer’s Network 

The Parent & Carer Network is for all staff who are parents and/or carers. If you have questions about your role as a carer, are about to become a parent or are simply trying to balance these additional responsibilities with work, please get in touch to see how we can support you.

Genders Network

The Genders Network is a staff (and student) network attempting to raise awareness of issues pertaining to genders – we aim to enhance networking, inform about current work in the area through events and take an active role in causes. We hold an annual event around the SHU gender pay gap. To find out more about joining staff networks please contact the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Team on 0114 225 3499 or email

Hallam Race Network

The Hallam Race Network (HRN) offers a platform for innovative discussion and debate on race in relation to service provision, policy development, and practice. HRN holds meetings every six weeks at a mutually suitable day and time. If you would like more information about joining staff networks please email

Hallam Physiotherapy 

Due to popular demand, the city campus physiotherapy clinic has extended its opening hours from 1 October. Read here for more information about opening hours and how to book.

EU Staff Network 

The EU Staff Network was formed following the Brexit referendum. The aim is to provide a forum for EU citizens who work at the University to come together. The network provides a space for staff to provide mutual support for one another and a voice through which to work with the University to access support. To find out more please contact Liz Dahlin at


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