Psychology, Sociology and Politics feedback

Dr Jane Adlard, Programme Director MSc Forensic Psychology, talks about Emily Senior who was awarded a prize for achieving the highest overall degree classification on the MSc Forensic Psychology course:

“Emily worked extremely hard to get the most out of the course, and produced an innovative and current piece of research. She was very active in contributing to discussions, and showed a real understanding of the area of Forensic Psychology.

The cohort as a whole were an absolute pleasure to work with, and I think all staff would say the same. They were lively and hard-working on what is a very intensive course, and made the teaching worthwhile.”

Here Dr Adlard talks about Amy Otter who was awarded a prize for achieving the highest overall degree classification on the BSc Psychology course:

“Amy was a very conscientious student, worked really hard and made sure she planned and asked about areas that were useful to her and her potential careers – she had direction and drive to succeed, and certainly made the most of her personal tutorial sessions.”

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