Events: August

Research data management introductory sessions 

The library research support team are running two introductory sessions on research data management on 14 August and 4 September which will look cover:

  • what research data management is
  • why research data management is important
  • writing a data management plan
  • planning for preserving and sharing your data

The session is suitable for staff, Masters by Research, and doctoral students. Book August session or September session here.

SHU Dementia Research Network meeting

The SHU Dementia Research network, which is a cross-faculty collaboration, will be meeting for the first time on Monday 2 September in room HC 1.47 in the Heart of the Campus, Collegiate campus. All staff and students are welcome to attend and should get in touch with Dr Jenni Brooks to confirm their interest.

Leverhulme research grant application workshop

The Research Grants team in RIO have organised a half day workshop on 11 September, 9.30- 12.30, for researchers who are interested in submitting an application for the next round of Leverhulme funding. The aim of the workshop is to go through the funders requirements as well as Hallam’s approvals process and internal timelines for the call.

The workshop will take place in Charles street, 12.3.17. More information about how to book on will be released soon.

Professors in Preparation

12 September, 10 am- 3.30 pm.  This workshop is aimed at colleagues aspiring to become professors through Teaching and Learning or Professional Practice routes. Participants will be given the opportunity to explore how they might develop their own narrative with peers and existing professors through these routes. Existing professors appointed through the Learning and Teaching or the Professional Practice routes will share their journey and experiences as well as provide some advice for a successful application. Please register your interest here.

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