CDARE News: August

Professor Colin Mc Caig was an Invited speaker on ‘Forms of/Routes to Positive Change’ at the Connecting Research and Practice in Widening Participation: Exploring (alternative) routes to change seminar/workshop, Centre for Teaching and Learning Research, University of Sussex. The Work Foundation, London, 25 July 2019.

He was also an invited Panel Discussant on ‘What do we mean by value?’ at the Augar and Everything After conference held by UniversitiesUK, Woburn House, London, 17th July 2019. Further information about the                                                                    event can be found here. 

Professor Colin McCaig is pleased to announce that CDARE has been successfully commissioned to carry out the Office for Students funded:

‘NCOP Evaluation capability building support’ as part of a Consortium led by the University of Exeter and including colleagues from University of Sheffield, University of Oxford and CFE Research. This work, over 2019-21 is a key part of the overall Evaluation of the NCOP programme and builds on CDARE work on the ‘Formative Evaluation of NCOP’ during 2017-19 (funded by HEFCE/OfS

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