Academic Professional Development Programme


Academic Professional Development Programme
Dear colleague

We have some new upcoming CPD events during February and March 2019 – for booking details, please click on each event title link

Referencing – an update for staff

Various dates/times

These 1 hour workshops have been arranged by Library Services in response to staff requests for an update on referencing support for students.

Managing student behaviour in taught sessions

City: Thursday 7th February

Collegiate: Tuesday 12th February

This 1 hour session introduces participants to the principles of promoting positive behaviour in the higher education learning environment. It will focus on the underlying causes of misbehaviour and the importance of understanding the social, emotional and behavioural skills of students and ourselves. This will also acknowledge how our own behaviour impacts on students’ behaviour.

Dealing with the stress of assessments: The inner chimp – a very human response to adverse situations

City: Wednesday 13th February

Collegiate: Friday 15th February

Within the context of promoting and protecting student wellbeing and particularly resilience, this short interactive workshop session will introduce the key features of a powerful mind management model that can be used to help individuals improve their performance and learn about to cope with the challenges of University as well as Workplace expectations.

Making the message count (Part 1) – using your voice and body to teach more effectively

City: Monday 15th February

Collegiate: Monday 18th March

Ever thought about your voice as an instrument, does it ever get tired, for example? Do you wonder about your body language, appearing confident, using engagement skills and owning the space in your classroom/lecture theatre? What about other forms of communication environment?

Part 1 will show you learnable skills, tips and techniques that will not only be useful for you but can also be passed on to your students, all of whom will have to stand up and present themselves and deliver their message orally.

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