Customer service

Customer service

If your account has a customer service function (and if it’s on the internet, it probably does), it’s important to check it first thing in the morning, and then every couple of hours, for requests for help and advice, or complaints about services.

Look to other Sheffield Hallam accounts for support when it’s appropriate. If you can’t get the answer straight away, say so. Be clear on what information and support you can provide, and what you can’t. Always aim for a positive outcome – each customer service interaction is an opportunity to create a brand ambassador.

You may receive complaints. If you do, what should you do?

  • ask for more details, tell them you’ll look into it, and give them an idea of how long they might need to wait for an answer
  • don’t get defensive about services you and your team provide – instead, listen, be sympathetic and promise to look into the problem
  • direct them to a different channel (such as a telephone number or email address), if it’s better to do so

If it looks like someone just wants to vent frustration or anger, either leave them to it or see if you can take it offline (try asking them to drop you an email or DM). Never get into arguments on the internet.

Further reading: ‘Using Social Media to Build a Loyal Customer Base’ (PDF download) [Hootsuite]

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