Forthcoming session: Innovations in Mobile Learning with Steve Wheeler

Speaker: Steve Wheeler, Associate Professor of Learning Technology at University of Plymouth 12:00 lunch for 13:00 webinar, on Mon 28th May, in Harmer 2502 As part of our 2012 focus on mobile learning, we welcome Steve Wheeler from the University of Plymouth to describe the latest developments in mobile learning. Steve Wheeler is a Web…

Article: Flipping classroom teaching around

We thought you might find this external article interesting. It talks about the growing technology enhanced learning practice of ‘flipping’ the classroom through creating standalone resources outside of the classroom that students should engage with before coming to class. Classtime is then spent on more participative activities rather than conveying information. Read the article at…

TEL sessions at Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May)

Stuart Hepplestone is running a number of sessions at next week’s University Assessment Week (30 April – 3 May 2012). The sessions that Stuart will be facilitating are designed to be a mix of both practical hands-on and provide opportunities for discussion with colleagues about their experiences and generate ideas for the application of technology to support assessment…

Social media guidelines now available

Social media are channels that “allow users to share information about themselves and their interests” (Cunnane, 2010). These include sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Google+ and YouTube. These channels are reasonably new to the world, and the effects of interacting with them are not always clear to users. To help address this, we now have guidelines about…

Cooking up tasty mobile innovations

The call for innovation in mobile learning has yielded a set of exciting proposals from academic staff across the university. These proposals will provide a testing ground for ideas about how mobile technologies can improve the student experience of learning, whether in the classroom, during  independent study, on placement or during collaborative activities. Some case studies focus on…

Uses of smartphones by students

An article in the inaugural issue of the Student Engagement and Experience Journal (SEEJ) describes research into the use of smartphones by students in ACES.  Aware of rising levels of smartphone ownership and the impressive capabilities that these provide, the authors wanted to explore whether student use of smartphones might increase student engagement with learning and…

Mobile Innovations and the Moveable Feast

Technology Enhanced Learning is cooking up some changes, with tasty rewards offered for innovations in mobile learning. Do you have an idea for innovation with mobile learning that you would like to try out and share with others?  Mobile learning is beginning to deliver on its long-promised potential for enhancing learning.  Technology Enhanced Learning wants…