Start of the semester checklist

To help staff prepare their Blackboard sites for the start of the semester, we have created a nine-step checklist, with step-by-step instructions on how to do the essentials to get your site ready for your students.  Some of the items in it are optional and depend on the  way you are using Blackboard in your module,…

Did you know? Support for e-learning

Did you know there is a lot of support available to help support staff with e-learning and Blackboard? We are committed to providing comprehensive technical and pedagogical support for the integration of e-learning into the curriculum.  The Bb-support tab in shuspace is the best place to go to find out about all of the support available…

Research: Exploring staff barriers and motivators in e-learning engagement

Sheffield Hallam has a strong history of research into the student experience of e-learning.  Our student research has given us a strong foundation for our approach to e-learning from the initial implementation through the last nine years of development. However, this past year we chose to conduct research into the staff experience of e-learning, so we can better understand the perspective…

Blackboard 9: Announcements changes

Announcements have had some subtle changes in Blackboard 9 that we think are worth pointing out. Starting with 2010/11 sites, Announcements has been replaced as the first page students see when entering a Blackboard site. Instead, the Module Home Page will be the first page users see.  The My Announcements channel on the home page will show the title…

Blackboard 9 is coming!

In three weeks the live Blackboard system will be upgraded to Blackboard 9.  Below are some key questions staff have asked about this upgrade. When is the upgrade? The upgrade will be on the evening of Friday 2 July, and Blackboard will not be available during that evening.  Blackboard will also be at risk during the…

Blackboard 9: What’s New channel

One new feature of Blackboard 9 is the What’s New channel, part of the new Module Home Page section.  This channel notifies staff and students about content that has been added recently which is visible to those users.  It also notifies users about unread discussion board messages in both general and group discussion boards.  This…

Blackboard 9: New Staff Enrolment Tool

The Staff Enrolment Tool is one of the few locally created tools in Blackboard, so we have taken the opportunity to improve it in Blackboard 9 based on feedback from staff over the past years. Staff had commented that it was difficult to see which staff members were already enrolled upon a Blackboard site so module leaders…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 6: Administrative Convenience

This is the last in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 5: Student Ownership of their Learning

This is the fifth in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…

Why do we do e-learning? Part 4: Authentic Learning Opportunities

This is the fourth in a series of posts exploring the 6 guiding principles behind why we promote e-learning at Sheffield Hallam University. Each of the principles underscores the benefits of integrating e-learning opportunities into the curriculum, and each is supported here by student quotes from research into how our students use technology to support and enhance their learning.  Today’s guiding…