Did you know? Better way to upload multiple files

Did you know that there are two ways you can use to attach multiple files to an item in Blackboard? Many staff are probably familiar with the typical way of uploading a file to Blackboard.  You create an Item, and click ‘Browse for local file’ to attach a specific file.  If you want to attach…

Check how your site looks to your students

Most Blackboard sites will have been in use for a few weeks.  That makes now a good time to double-check the structure of your site and ensure that it is meeting your students’ needs in terms of being easy to navigate.  You can see how your site looks to students by turning off Edit Mode (the…

Did you know? Batch enrol students onto groups

Did you know that you could batch enrol students onto groups instead of selecting individual names? Blackboard 9 has introduced some changes to the Groups functionality to make it easier to create groups quickly and efficiently.  For instance, you can create a series of identical groups easily called a ‘group set’.  Students can be allocated…

Don’t forget: Make your site available to students

Once your site has been set up for use with your students: site menu organised, content added, interactive features ready, etc., then there is one crucial step left that a lot of staff members forget.  That step is making your site available to students.  If you don’t do this then all that hard work will go to waste as your students…

Support for preparing your Blackboard sites

To help you prepare your 2010/11 Blackboard sites for the start of the semester, we have a nine-step checklist with step-by-step instructions on doing the essentials to get your site ready for your students. Some of the items in it are optional and depend on the way you are using Blackboard in your module, so don’t worry…

Did you know? Sign-up sheets are now possible

Did you know that in Blackboard 9 it is now possible to have students sign up to timeslots? One feature staff have asked for in the past is the ability to have students sign up to a set of timeslots, such as office hours or small group tutorials.  In Blackboard 9 this is now possible with the…

Did you know? Support for students

Did you know there is a lot of support available to help students use Blackboard? An extensive self-help knowledge base explaining how to use the features in Blackboard is available for all students. It can be accessed by going to http://bb-help.shu.ac.uk, by clicking on the “Blackboard Help” link in your 2010/11 sites, or through the…

Did you know? Students and personal email addresses

Did you know that now students can have their Blackboard emails automatically forwarded to another email address, such as a personal or work email? One frequent question from staff over the years has been if students can choose to receive Blackboard emails at an account other than their SHU email address.  As part of last summer’s email upgrade to…

How do I request a new Blackboard site?

When starting to prepare their 2010/11 Blackboard sites, some staff members have noticed they don’t have a 2010/11 Blackboard site that they need.  In this situation you should request a new Blackboard site using a tool available in shuspace.  Here are instructions about requesting a new module site.  To request a module site you will need the SI…

Why are some of my students missing from the Grade Centre?

Recently we’ve had a few queries from staff who noticed that some of their students are no longer showing up in the Grade Centre, and actually the Blackboard site as a whole.  This will particularly happen in final year modules.  When students have completed their studies at the university, they are marked as completed in…