New in Blackboard: Discussion Board appearance

This article is part of a series of articles explaining the new features and changes that will be introduced as part of the Blackboard upgrade scheduled for 26-28 July 2013.

Screenshot of the new discussion board appearance in Blackboard

Sample discussion board

In the new version of Blackboard, the appearance of the Discussion Board has been improved.  Now when you are viewing specific posts they display in a manner that is more friendly and familiar to users.  It is also a similar appearance as is used in the SHUgo mobile app, so there should be more consistency when accessing Blackboard through via web and mobile.

In addition, Blackboard discussion posts will show up in the new My Blackboard dropdown menu, which there will be an article about tomorrow.  These posts will be consolidated across all of the user’s Blackboard sites, which should make it easier to see trends in discussions without visiting each site individually repeatedly.

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