Mobile Innovation: Stimulating participation in lectures via mobile devices

This is the third in a series of seven case studies developed as part of the mobile innovation project.  These cutting edge teaching approaches may not be suitable for everyone, and some proved difficult in their implementation, but the project provided the opportunity for staff to try out new ways of delivering learning.

This case study explores the use of online surveys in Google Forms.  The module leader wanted to increase student participation by providing an opportunity for all students to respond to questions.  He wanted to explore whether the use of students own mobile devices could enable them to become more involved during lectures.

Using google forms to create short online surveys, the tutor posed questions which the students could respond to using their mobile devices.  The majority of the questions posed were multiple choice and integrated in to the lecture presentation.  Students worked in groups to respond to questions to provide inclusivity for those without appropriate mobile devices.  Access to the questions was provided via a web address and QR codes.  The group answers were then collated to generate class responses and the results were used as a discussionn point during the lecture. photos/wufoo/4407628536

There were some problems  encountered with respect to the low number of students who had smart devices within the cohort and them also being unaware of how to use the SHU wi-fi network.  However, the tutor felt that the surveys were easy to set up and did generally improve student engagement.  When surveyed at the end of their module, 90% of students said they would like to see the approach implemented more widely.

You can read more about this approach by reading the two-page case study entitled: Stimulating participation in lectures via mobile devices

If you are willing to share your experiences in teaching online in a similar case study, please contact us through the Suggestions link.

One thought on “Mobile Innovation: Stimulating participation in lectures via mobile devices

  1. Pingback: Google Apps for Education – Overview | e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

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