Case Study: Providing feedback and preparing lessons with voice recognition software

This case study describes how an academic at the University used technology to overcome challenges faced when developing paralysis in his right hand. The tutor wanted to continue as an active member of his department, maintaining consistency in lesson planning and providing feedback to students. It was suggested to the tutor that voice recognition software would support him in doing so, and he welcomed this.

The voice recognition software, Dragon Speaking Naturally system was set up for the tutor by IT Help, along with headphones and a microphone. After a short period of calibrating the software and learning how to use it, the tutor felt comfortable operating the technology for a range of applications. He now dictates ideas and notes for lesson or tutorial planning; his voice is used to control the computer when creating Powerpoint slides; and students’ assignments are marked and given feedback via voice commands.

A woman wearing a computer headset

Image by Sarahnaut, Flickr

This project resulted in the tutor being able to continue to use the computer for lesson preparation and feedback, through the application of a simple-to-learn and intuitive piece of software. This has meant he has been able to maintain his involvement in course activities, and independence in doing so, in spite of acquiring a disability.

You can read more about this approach by reading the two-page case study entitled:  Providing feedback and preparing lessons with voice recognition software.

If you are willing to share your experiences in teaching online in a similar case study, please contact us through the Suggestions link.

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