Case Study: Collaborative knowledge construction via student screencasts

This case study explores how a tutor in Health and Wellbeing encouraged students to present and record their work using screencasting software.  As part of their module students were required to understand principles associated with digital media.  By engaging in the process of developing and delivering a recorded presentation the tutor felt the students would gain a greater understanding of the learning material.

A SHU student using a PCTo support student research into their topic area the tutor provided scaffolding questions which the students used to develop their screencast.  They had been given information about different screencasting software options and the presentation tool Prezi and were already familiar with PowerPoint.

The tutor decided that the students would receive peer feedback for their presentations in anticipation that this would further engage them with the learning material and provide them with an insight of all the topic areas.

The project wasn’t without its difficulties particularly with respect to where students should store their work and staff preparation time; however the tutor felt there was real value in the activity which resulted in reusable material and; the students were able to demonstrate their research and digital literacy skills.

You can read more about this approach by reading the two-page case study entitled: Collaborative knowledge construction via student screencasts.
If you are willing to share your experiences in teaching online in a similar case study, please contact us through the Suggestions link.

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