SHUgo now available for Android and mobile web

We’re pleased to announce that SHUgo, the University’s mobile app, is now available as an app for Android phones and available to all other web-enabled mobile phones through a mobile web version. We hope that a Blackberry app version will be available by the end of June as well.

The map application has also been updated to include photos and more information about services for the University buildings.  Currently you need to search for the name of the building you want in the map application, but we are looking to improve that soon so that buildings show up by default.

Find out more on the SHUgo FAQ page, where there are also links to submit feedback and request new features.

2 thoughts on “SHUgo now available for Android and mobile web

  1. Pingback: Upcoming Blackboard changes « e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

  2. Pingback: Blogs, Journals and Wikis – important changes « e-learning at Sheffield Hallam

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