Java 8 and the 2015 Managed Desktop

May 5th, 2015 | Posted by Jennifer Kennedy in IT preparations for teaching | New technology | Staff


A beta version of the new September 2015 managed desktop (the suite of software we install on University PCs at the start of the academic year) is now ready for staff to test. It is available in vWorkspace, within the ‘MD Beta Testing’ folder. Not all the new software will be installed in the beta release but it will offer a good opportunity for staff to test webpages that use Java with Java 8. This is used on some websites so you might want to check pages you use to see if they work properly with the upgraded version.


The beta virtual desktop will work from Windows PCs or Macs, on or off campus – but we don’t have licences for it to be used on iPads, iPhones or Android devices so, unlike the current remote desktop, it won’t work from those.

If you haven’t set your preferences for vWorkspace yet, follow the instructions on the landing page to create the best settings for your device and connection.

For more information regarding all the new and updated software available within MD2015 Beta 02 please see the IS&T Networks and Infrastructure Blog article.


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