File Associations

Below is a list of all of the current file extensions for a standard MD2016 image and the associated applications that will open such file types.

To check a file association for a specific workstation, open cmd.exe on the workstation and type (for example .m4a):

assoc .m4a

Then from the result, use the ftype command this to determine the actual application that will be opened:

ftype WMP11.AssocFile.M4A

The above will return:

WMP11.AssocFile.M4A="%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Media Player\wmplayer.exe" /prefetch:6 /Open "%L"

If you have any issues or requests to alter an association please inform IT Help so that they can enter a call into our Help Desk system.

Please note: These are associations from a standard Managed Desktop 2016 desktop before additional software has been distributed or installed locally. Installing additional software will add to and alter the existing file associations.

File Associations

Extension Software
0.001 7-Zip
0.386 vxdfile
.3g2 Windows Media Player 11
.3gp Windows Media Player 11
.3gp2 Windows Media Player 11
.3gpp Windows Media Player 11
.7z 7-Zip
.aab Authorware
.AAC Windows Media Player 11
.aam Authorware
.aas Authorware
.acc Windows Media Player 11
.accda Microsoft Access 2010
.accdb Microsoft Access 2010
.accdc Microsoft Access 2010
.accde Microsoft Access 2010
.accdr Microsoft Access 2010
.accdt Microsoft Access 2010
.accdu Microsoft Access 2010
.accdw Microsoft Access 2010
.accft Microsoft Access 2010
.acl ACLFile
.acrobatsecuritysettings AcroExch.acrobatsecuritysettings
.ade Microsoft Access 2010
.adn Microsoft Access 2010
.adp Microsoft Access 2010
.ADT Windows Media Player 11
.ADTS Windows Media Player 11
.aif Windows Media Player 11
.aifc Windows Media Player 11
.aiff Windows Media Player 11
.ani anifile
.api AcroExch.Plugin
.application Application.Manifest
.appref-ms Application.Reference
.arj 7-Zip
.asa aspfile
.asf Windows Media Player 11
.asp aspfile
.asx Windows Media Player 11
.au Windows Media Player 11
.avi Windows Media Player 11
.aw AWFile
.bat batfile
.blg Diagnostic.Perfmon.Document
.bmp Microsoft Paint
.bz2 7-Zip
.bzip2 7-Zip
.c2r MediaCenter.C2R
.cab 7-Zip
.camp campfile
.cat CATFile
.cda Windows Media Player 11
.cdmp cdmpfile
.cdx aspfile
.cdxml Microsoft PowerShell
.cer CERFile
.chk chkfile
.chm chm.file
.cmd cmdfile
.com comfile
.compositefont Windows.CompositeFont
.contact contact_wab_auto_file
.cpio 7-Zip
.cpl cplfile
.crd Microsoft.InformationCard
.crds Microsoft.WindowsCardSpaceBackup
.crl CRLFile
.crt CERFile
.crtx CRTXFile
.css CSSfile
.csv Microsoft Excel 2010
.cur curfile
.db dbfile
.deb 7-Zip
.der CERFile
.desklink CLSID\{9E56BE61-C50F-11CF-9A2C-00A0C90A90CE}
.det Microsoft Outlook 2010
.diagcab Diagnostic.Cabinet
.diagcfg Diagnostic.Config
.diagpkg Diagnostic.Document
.dib Microsoft Paint
.dic txtfile
.djv DjVuFile
.djvu DjVuFile
.dll dllfile
.dmg 7-Zip
.doc Microsoft Word 2010
.dochtml Microsoft Word 2010
.docm Microsoft Word 2010
.docmhtml Microsoft Word 2010
.docx Microsoft Word 2010
.docxml Microsoft Word 2010
.dot Microsoft Word 2010
.dothtml Microsoft Word 2010
.dotm Microsoft Word 2010
.dotx Microsoft Word 2010
.dqy dqyfile
.drv drvfile
.DVR MediaCenter.DVR
.DVR-MS MediaCenter.DVR-MS
.dwfx Windows.XPSReachViewer
.easmx Windows.XPSReachViewer
.edrwx Windows.XPSReachViewer
.elm ELMFile
.emf emffile
.eml Microsoft Outlook 2010
.eprtx Windows.XPSReachViewer
.evt evtfile
.evtx evtxfile
.exc txtfile
.exe exefile
.fat 7-Zip
.fdf AcroExch.FDFDoc
.fdm Microsoft Outlook 2010
.fon fonfile
.gadget Windows.gadget
.gcsx GCSXFile
.gfs GrooveStub
.gif giffile
.glk GrooveLinkFile
.glox GLOXFile
.gmmp gmmpfile
.gqsx GQSXFile
.gra MSGraph.Chart.8
.group group_wab_auto_file
.grp MSProgramGroup
.grv GrooveFile
.gsa GrooveSpaceArchive
.gta GrooveToolArchive
.gz 7-Zip
.gzip 7-Zip
.H1C h1cfile
.H1D h1dfile
.H1F h1ffile
.H1H h1hfile
.H1K h1kfile
.H1Q h1qfile
.H1S h1sfile
.H1T h1tfile
.H1V h1vfile
.H1W h1wfile
.hfs 7-Zip
.hlp hlpfile
.hol Microsoft Outlook 2010
.hta htafile
.htm htmlfile
.html htmlfile
.hxa MSHelp
.hxc MSHelp
.hxd MSHelp
.hxe MSHelp
.hxf MSHelp
.hxh MSHelp
.hxi MSHelp
.hxk MSHelp
.hxq MSHelp
.hxr MSHelp
.hxs MSHelp
.hxt MSHelp
.hxv MSHelp
.hxw MSHelp
.icc icmfile
.icl IconLibraryFile
.icm icmfile
.ico icofile
.ics Microsoft Outlook 2010
.img Windows.IsoFile
.inf inffile
.infopathxml InfoPath.Document.3
.ini inifile
.iqy iqyfile
.ivr Real Player
.jar jarfile
.jfif pjpegfile
.jnlp JNLPFile
.jnt jntfile
.Job JobObject
.jod Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0
.jpe jpegfile
.jpeg jpegfile
.jpg jpegfile
.js JSFile
.jtp jtpfile
.jtx Windows.XPSReachViewer
.la1 Real Jukebox
.label Label
.laccdb Microsoft Access 2010
.lar Real Jukebox
.lavs Real Jukebox
.ldb Microsoft Access 2010
.lex LEXFile
.lha 7-Zip
.library-ms LibraryFolder
.lmsff LiquidAudio.LP5.0
.lnk lnkfile
.log txtfile
.lqt Real Jukebox
.lzh 7-Zip
.lzma 7-Zip
.m1v Windows Media Player 11
.M2T Windows Media Player 11
.M2TS Windows Media Player 11
.M2V Windows Media Player 11
.m3u Windows Media Player 11
.m4a Windows Media Player 11
.m4e Real Player
.m4p Real Player
.m4v Windows Media Player 11
.mad Microsoft Access 2010
.maf Microsoft Access 2010
.mag Microsoft Access 2010
.mam Microsoft Access 2010
.mapimail CLSID\{9E56BE60-C50F-11CF-9A2C-00A0C90A90CE}
.maq Microsoft Access 2010
.mar Microsoft Access 2010
.mas Microsoft Access 2010
.mat Microsoft Access 2010
.mau Microsoft Access 2010
.mav Microsoft Access 2010
.maw Microsoft Access 2010
.mcl MediaCenter.MCL
.mda Microsoft Access 2010
.mdb Microsoft Access 2010
.mdbhtml accesshtmlfile
.mde Microsoft Access 2010
.mdn Microsoft Access 2010
.mdt Microsoft Access 2010
.mdw Microsoft Access 2010
.mfp MacromediaFlashPaper.MacromediaFlashPaper
.mgc MediaCatalogMGC
.mht mhtmlfile
.mhtml mhtmlfile
.mid Windows Media Player 11
.midi Windows Media Player 11
.mig migfile
.mlc LpkSetup.1
.mml MediaCatalogMML
.mmw MediaCatalogMMW
.MOD Windows Media Player 11
.mov Windows Media Player 11
.mp2 Windows Media Player 11
.mp2v Windows Media Player 11
.mp3 Windows Media Player 11
.mp4 Windows Media Player 11
.mp4v Windows Media Player 11
.mpa Windows Media Player 11
.mpd MSProject.MPD
.mpe Real Player
.mpeg Windows Media Player 11
.mpf MediaPackageFile
.mpg Windows Media Player 11
.mpp MSProject.Project.9
.mps Real Player
.mpt MSProject.Template
.mpv2 Windows Media Player 11
.mpw MSProject.Workspace
.mpx MSProject.MPX
.msc MSCFile
.msdvd Windows.DVD.Maker
.msg Microsoft Outlook 2010
.msi Msi.Package
.msp Msi.Patch
.msrcincident RemoteAssistance.1
.msstyles msstylesfile
.msu Microsoft.System.Update.1
.MSWMM Windows.Movie.Maker
.MTS Windows Media Player 11
.mydocs CLSID\{ECF03A32-103D-11d2-854D-006008059367}
.nfo MSInfoFile
.nk2 Microsoft Outlook 2010
.ntfs 7-Zip
.ocx ocxfile
.odc odcfile
.odccubefile odccubefile
.odcdatabasefile odcdatabasefile
.odcnewfile odcnewfile
.odctablefile odctablefile
.odp Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ods Microsoft Excel 2010
.odt Microsoft Word 2010
.ofs Microsoft Outlook 2010
.oft Microsoft Outlook 2010
.ols OfficeListShortcut
.one OneNote.Section.1
.onepkg OneNote.Package
.onetoc OneNote.TableOfContents
.onetoc2 OneNote.TableOfContents.12
.opc OPCFile
.oqy oqyfile
.osdx opensearchdescription
.ost Microsoft Outlook 2010
.otf otffile
.otm Microsoft Outlook 2010
.p10 P10File
.p12 PFXFile
.p7b SPCFile
.p7c certificate_wab_auto_file
.p7m P7MFile
.p7r P7RFile
.p7s P7SFile
.pab Microsoft Outlook 2010
.partial IE.AssocFile.PARTIAL
.pbk pbkfile
.pcb PCBFile
.pdf AcroExch.Document.DC
.pdfxml AcroExch.pdfxml
.pdx PDXFileType
.perfmoncfg Diagnostic.Perfmon.Config
.pfm pfmfile
.pfx PFXFile
.pif piffile
.pit pitfile
.pko PKOFile
.pnf pnffile
.png pngfile
.pot Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pothtml Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.potm Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.potx Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppa Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppam Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pps Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppsm Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppsx Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppt Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.ppthtml Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pptm Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pptmhtml Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pptx Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.pptxml Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.prf prffile
.printerExport brmFile
.ps1 Microsoft PowerShell
.ps1xml Microsoft PowerShell
.psc1 Microsoft PowerShell
.psd1 Microsoft PowerShell
.psm1 Microsoft PowerShell
.pssc Microsoft PowerShell
.pst Microsoft Outlook 2010
.pub Microsoft Publisher 2010
.pubhtml Microsoft Publisher 2010
.pubmhtml Microsoft Publisher 2010
.pwz Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.qds SavedDsQuery
.que SMSDataFile
.ra Real Player
.ram Real Player
.rar 7-Zip
.rat ratfile
.rax Real Player
.reg regfile
.rels xmlfile
.resmoncfg Diagnostic.Resmon.Config
.rjt Real Jukebox
.rle rlefile
.rll dllfile
.rm Real Player
.rmi Windows Media Player 11
.rmj Real Jukebox
.rmm Real Player
.rmp Real Jukebox
.rms Real Player
.rmvb Real Player
.rmx Real Jukebox
.rnx Real Player
.rp Real Player
.rqy rqyfile
.rsml Real Player
.rt Real Player
.rtf Microsoft Word 2010
.rv Real Player
.rvx Real Player
.SCCM.VAppLauncher SCCM.VAppLauncher
.scf SHCmdFile
.scp txtfile
.scr scrfile
.sct scriptletfile
.sdf Microsoft SQL Server Compact Edition Database File
.sdp Real Player
.search-ms SearchFolder
.searchConnector-ms SearchConnectorFolder
.secstore AcroExch.SecStore
.sfcache RDBFileProperties.1
.shtml shtmlfile
.sldm Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.sldx Microsoft PowerPoint 2010
.slk Microsoft Excel 2010
.sln Microsoft Visual Studio
.slupkg-ms MSSppPackageFile
.smil Real Player
.snd Windows Media Player 11
.spc SPCFile
.spl ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash
.squashfs 7-Zip
.ssh2 SecureShellFile
.sst CertificateStoreFile
.stl STLFile
.suo Microsoft Visual Studio
.svg svgfile
.swf ShockwaveFlash.ShockwaveFlash
.swm 7-Zip
.symlink .symlink
.sys sysfile
.tab Microsoft Excel 2010
.tar 7-Zip
.taz 7-Zip
.tbz 7-Zip
.tbz2 7-Zip
.tgz 7-Zip
.theme themefile
.themepack themepackfile
.thmx OfficeTheme.12
.tif TIFImage.Document
.tiff TIFImage.Document
.tok Streaming.Token
.tpz 7-Zip
.TS Windows Media Player 11
.ttc ttcfile
.ttf ttffile
.TTS Windows Media Player 11
.tws TextPad.tws
.txt txtfile
.txz 7-Zip
.URL InternetShortcut
.vbs VBSFile
.vcf Microsoft Outlook 2010
.vcg GrooveVCard
.vcs Microsoft Outlook 2010
.vdw Microsoft Visio 2010
.vdx Microsoft Visio 2010
.vhd 7-Zip
.vscontent Microsoft Visual Studio
.vsd Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsdm Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsdx Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsi Microsoft Visual Studio
.vsl Microsoft Visio 2010
.vss Microsoft Visio 2010
.vst Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsto bootstrap.vsto.1
.vsu Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsw Microsoft Visio 2010
.vsx Microsoft Visio 2010
.vtx Microsoft Visio 2010
.vxd vxdfile
.wab wab_auto_file
.wav Windows Media Player 11
.wax Windows Media Player 11
.wbcat wbcatfile
.wbk Microsoft Word 2010
.wcx wcxfile
.wdp wdpfile
.webpnp webpnpFile
.website Microsoft.Website
.wim 7-Zip
.wiz Microsoft Word 2010
.wizhtml accessthmltemplate
.wll Microsoft Word 2010
.wm Real Player
.wma Windows Media Player 11
.WMD Windows Media Player 11
.wmdb WMP.WMDBFile
.wmf wmffile
.WMS Windows Media Player 11
.wmv Windows Media Player 11
.wmx Windows Media Player 11
.wmz Windows Media Player 11
.wpl Windows Media Player 11
.wsc scriptletfile
.WTV MediaCenter.WTVFile
.wtx txtfile
.wvx Windows Media Player 11
.xaml Windows.XamlDocument
.xar 7-Zip
.xbap Windows.Xbap
.xdp AcroExch.XDPDoc
.xevgenxml XEV.GenericApp
.xfdf AcroExch.XFDFDoc
.xht xhtmlfile
.xhtml xhtmlfile
.xla Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlam Microsoft Excel 2010
.xld Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlk Microsoft Excel 2010
.xll Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlm Microsoft Excel 2010
.xls Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlsb Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlshtml Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlsm Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlsmhtml Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlsx Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlt Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlthtml Microsoft Excel 2010
.xltm Microsoft Excel 2010
.xltx Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlw Microsoft Excel 2010
.xlxml Microsoft Excel 2010
.xml xmlfile
.xps Windows.XPSReachViewer
.xrm-ms MSSppLicenseFile
.xsf InfoPath.SolutionManifest.3
.xsl xslfile
.xsn InfoPath.Solution.3
.xtp XTPFile
.xtp2 XTP2File
.xz 7-Zip
.z 7-Zip
.zfsendtotarget CLSID\{888DCA60-FC0A-11CF-8F0F-00C04FD7D062}
.zip 7-Zip
._sln Microsoft Visual Studio
._sln60 Microsoft Visual Studio
._sln70 Microsoft Visual Studio
._sln71 Microsoft Visual Studio
._sln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vbxsln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vcppxsln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vcsxsln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vjsxsln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vstasln80 Microsoft Visual Studio
._vwdxsln80 Microsoft Visual Studio