Y10: Skills in Focus

Here you will find all of the information to complete our ‘Skills in Focus’ tasks. Tips and examples of skills development will also be shared across our social media on Facebook and Instagram if you want to chat with the team about the tasks and keep in touch with us throughout the 5 weeks.

Skills in Focus starts on March 1st 2021 – click through the pages below to view each week’s resources.

Y9/Home Learning Task 2: Creative task – express yourself!

Y9/Home Learning task 2: Creative Task – Express Yourself!

For your second lockdown activity we’d like you to complete the creative task below. Have a read of the poster and guidance that we’ve created and let us know if you’d like any further help, either by emailing wpoteam@shu.ac.uk or by messaging us on Facebook.

We’d like you to complete it by July 3rd so you’ve got just over two weeks. Please submit is by emailing wpoteam@shu.ac.uk or by returning it to the teacher who sent you the activity through school. We look forward to seeing what you create!

Y9/Home Learning task 1 – Which type of learner are you? (Quiz)

Y9/Home Learning task 1 – Which type of learner are you?

This quick quiz can help support your home learning and teach you more about yourself as well.

Answer the multiple choice questions to learn a little bit more about how your brain works, and how you can make sure you are learning effectively whether you are at home or back in school.

Click or tap the image below to be taken to the quiz (opens in a new tab).

Let us know what you think of the activity in the Hallam Skills Series private Facebook group here