Chairs of Panels- Recruitment and Selection

Chairs of Panels – Recruitment & Selection

Lead facilitator – Richard Hughes


The workshop focuses on the role and responsibility of the Panel Chair in all aspects of the recruitment and selection process. Attendance at the workshop is mandatory for anyone who will be chairing a recruitment panel.


The workshop focuses on the three key principles of recruitment activity at Sheffield Hallam, and the Chair’s responsibility regarding these:

  1. Equality, diversity and inclusion – All of our recruitment and selection activity will be designed to identify the best person for the job, eliminate bias or discrimination and make sure all applications are considered on merit.
  2. A positive candidate experience – It’s vital that we think about recruitment and selection as a two-way process which should give candidates a positive impression of Sheffield Hallam as an employer whether they are successful or not.
  3. Effective selection – Shortlisting, robust and appropriate selection and effective appointment decision-making.


Target Audience : Any staff member who will be chairing a recruitment panel

Maximum number: 25

Date and Time: available on Core Portal

Log on to Core Portal to book a place: CORE Portal

Chair Session 2018 Slides