How to stay organised at uni

By Rachel Measures, BA (Hons) Media, 3rd Year  So everyone has pretty much settled in, and now the real work starts. Soon, but not too soon, many of us will be looking toward our assignments, and in that spirit, I wanted to share some of the ways I have kept myself organised in the last…

How to write an essay in manageable steps

By Rachel Measures, BA (Hons) Media, 3rd Year. Writing an essay can become a battle. A battle against your desire not to do it, a battle against procrastination, and a battle in getting everything done in time for your deadline. This is how I cope with essay writing, and all the techniques I have ‘mastered’ in…

My top 5 tips for finishing assignments

By Lucy Baldock, BA (Hons) Creative Writing, 3rd Year. It’s that time of year where my assignment deadlines are coming up and thanks to these tips I’ve managed to stop procrastinating, and actually finish my work. 1.Time Management I know it’s easier said than done to start assignments early but it’s really not worth leaving…