Posts Tagged “personal details”

Why you should be updating your details for graduation now!

by Bethany Lincoln.

We know…

It’s the boring task that gets put to the back of your endless ‘to do’ list in final year, but trust us, updating them now will save you a lot of hassle in the long run when making sure everything goes right for your graduation day.

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We wouldn’t want you to miss out, so in case you need to know how, here’s a quick guide on updating your details:

First thing to do is log onto My Student Record using your student number (so with a ‘2’ instead of a ‘b’ or a ‘1’ instead of an ‘a’). Can’t log in? Try the Forgotten your password link, always worth a go before contacting IT.

Next – go onto ‘My Details’ and you’ll see a little table on the right hand side saying ‘Change of Personal Details’. Click onto ‘Home Address’ and then ‘Amend’. Have a look here and see if anything needs updating – if it does, update it. PS, you may not see your email address straight away, but it’ll pop up as soon as you click ‘amend’.

We need your personal email address to be as up to date as possible as you will lose access to your SHU one when you receive your results. We know you wouldn’t want to miss our lovely emails telling you about your graduation date, the deadline for booking your tickets/gown and how to make sure you have everything sorted before the big day.

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Here, you can also edit your home address if you would like to. Once it gets closer to your graduation day, you can specify the address you’d like your tickets sending to,  but don’t worry, tickets aren’t posted until a couple of weeks before your ceremony so you don’t need to worry about it yet & we’ll make sure to let you know how to edit this when you need to.

And that’s it! We’re done. Hopefully that didn’t take you more than a couple of minutes and now you’re as set as you can be for your graduation. Congratulations.

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The Graduation Team