Your Views Survey Action Plan Update

The Planning Comms and Engagement Group (PEG) and the Engagement Working Group (EWG) have met to discuss how we will communicate the action plan.

Both of the groups agreed that the team briefs would be a good forum for us to share updates against the action plan, and EWG would like to see updates on the blog too.

To make the information more accessible it was agreed it would be a good idea to group the actions together by priority and provide a brief summary for each rather than sharing the spread sheet.

The groups also had a discussion about enabling two way feedback on the actions between without having to wait for the annual survey. It was agreed that it would be a good idea to have a pulse survey, this is to be agreed.

If you want to have a look at the action plan spread sheet you can here. There will be more updates to follow.

Thanks for your inputs, more to follow.