On Wednesday the University launched some information hubs found on the intranet to support the ‘Transforming Lives’ strategy.
The creation of these 4 hubs has been a combined effort of BIS and Corporate comms. Joanne Roberts (Communications & Engagement Manager – BIS) developed these, supported in the technical build by our Internal Comms team. Jo Solecki (Head of Business Improvement Services) and Linda Mason have worked closely with Joanne in developing this content with the team receiving some great feedback from each of the pillar leads.
These information hubs will keep you informed and give you easy access to information on how we are going to Transform Lives over the next few years. You will be able to find out the priorities, board meeting dates and who’s involved in each pillar, as well as access to key documents.
The team will continue to work on these and update them as more content becomes available, so keep checking back.
You can visit the Information Hubs using the links below and it would be great if you could tell us what you think at ! Strategy.