DID (Directorate of International Development) have had a name change as the Directorate embraces the University’s ambition to be globally engaged and this reflects their leadership responsibilities for the delivery of the Global Engagement plan.
Please read below for some further information from James Richardson who is the Global Engagement Director.
The Global Engagement Directorate (GED) team will support Professor Roger Eccleston, PVC (Global Engagement) and the wider University community; we will continue to lead the University’s global student recruitment activity as well as taking a more proactive role in the management of our global academic partnerships, including Transnational Education (TNE), and the coordination of our global mobility offer. The broader remit of the Directorate will begin to take shape over the coming months and as part of Richard Calvert’s Chief Operating Officer’s Group we will reflect any further changes arising from the review of the Professional Services operating model.
For those of you who are less familiar with the work of the Directorate, the UK based staff work in the Bryan Nicholson building on City Campus. We also have teams in our offices in China, Malaysia, Nigeria, India and Pakistan. Together, we lead on the University’s international business development, whether that is by co-ordinating incoming and outgoing students on the Erasmus+ Exchange Programme, managing the University’s international scholarship portfolio, organising pre-departure briefing sessions in a student’s home country or supporting our partnerships with more than 100 institutions across the globe.
At Sheffield Hallam, we benefit hugely from the financial and cultural contribution of our international and EU students. As the Global Engagement Directorate, we look forward to working on some ambitious new initiatives to expand the global opportunities available to students and staff across the University.