We are getting more ‘Paperlight’ thanks to BIS

A team in BIS have been working on a project called Paperlight. The aim of this final phase of the project has been to improve the online application form for all full-time postgraduate taught courses; the online system will also be available for some part-time courses.

This development will mean that there is a single, consistent process for undergraduate and postgraduate applications and Sheffield Hallam’s Overseas Offices, with the potential to deliver faster decisions and a reduction in the costs associated with processing paper applications.

The online application will be clearly signposted to applicants from individual course entries within the online prospectus pages. This will be the default application route, however should a student be unable to access this other methods will be available. To support this, we will also be rolling out an expanded Paperlight admissions system.

This change is in response to applicant, student and agent feedback and will deliver an improved applicant experience which is comparable with other Higher Education Institutions, as well as an improved service for agents who, using the new Agent Portal, will have the ability to track and monitor the progress of their applications and provide feedback to their applicants.

Clare Boot is the Project Manager, Adam Wilkinson is the Business Analyst and Joanne Roberts as Communications and Engagement manager.




(Top to Bottom – Clare, Adam and Joanne)