Hi everyone,
Our action owners and their teams have been busy working on their actions, and they have been updating our Trello board.
Here is a highlight of some of the things that have been happening:
Employee Voice
EV2. Develop a set of best practice principles for all staff about the giving and receiving of feedback – Debbie and her team took this action to the Managers’ Forum – you can see a brief summary of the feedback here.
Int1. Incorporate our THRIVE values in to the Directorate’s recruitment process – Kay and her team have been moving swiftly forward with this action, and have been regularly updating their card with their progress.
Int2. Actions arising from the 2016 Post Appraisal Survey – Carl and his team asked the Engagement working group to discuss some of the points of this action, you can read their feedback here. They also took this action to the Managers’ Forum – a brief summary of the feedback so far is here.
Int3. Identify and participate in sustainability initiatives and activities enabling us to improve our impact on the environment – Bernie and her team recently met, if you have any ideas around this action they are welcoming your suggestions! You can add them to the card, or email Bernie.
Inv1. Use colour and expression to reflect who we are and what we do – Matt came along to the EWG and asked them for their thoughts on this action, they came up with loads of great ideas which you can read here.
Inv3. Set up a Social Committee to be responsible for organising fun work events e.g. Christmas Buffet and social events e.g. Summer social – Bernie has recruited representation from all Finance teams who had their first meeting this week. They will be asking you all for your opinions on some of their ideas!
Leadership & Management
LM1. Provide support for managers to develop and fulfil their people management skills – Emma and her team recently successfully held the first Managers’ Workshop, there is a blog post all about it this week! She has also been updating the card if you want to learn a bit more.
Strategic Narrative
SN2. Identify opportunities for the Finance Directorate to engage with our students – some SBS PG Events students are currently brainstorming some ideas for a session at our away day on May 18th – so watch this space!