Team Visions

Thank you all for doing such a good job in creating your team mission and vision…

Now they have been created, we want to share them with you all, so you can see what your colleagues have been up to…..

(please click on the images to see a larger version)

Financial Accounts Service ImprovementSales LedgerManagement AccountingStrategic ProcurementFinance Exec support teamCorporate ReportingPurchase Ledger

Let’s not forget our Directorate Mission, Vision and Values……

(Again click on the image to see in detail)

Mission Vision and Values

These are also all available to view on our Flickr account along with the photos from the calendar competition :

Thanks again for all your hard work.

Remember……your work here is not done!

Don’t forget to keep thinking (or doing things) to embedded your team mission and vision 🙂

We will be sharing some best practice stories in our next blog post so let me know on either 5015 or  if you have done/ are doing anything exciting or different within your teams.