DTS Internal SharePoint Migration – Next Steps

Please read the information below regarding DTS Internal SharePoint Migration, from Keith Burton. A package of work is underway to sort out the migrated DTS SharePoint content and improve the quality and accessibility of our internal DTS SharePoint content. This work excludes the DTS staff intranet pages, which have a different target audience.  A small…

Resource Booker

NB: Re-synced resource booker:  It has come to light that resource booker has recently been re-synced, please check that any new bookings entered have not disappeared. There have been a number of clashes with usage of DTS meeting rooms since resource booker has been installed.  There is no way of automatically transferring meetings out of…

Staff News

This month we say good bye and good luck to Jay Silva.  Jay is going to be missed having worked here for over 30 years.  Jay’s last working day will be Monday 16th December. f you would like to join Jay for a farewell drink, Jay will be in the Red Lion from 4pm on…

Volunteers needed for Fire Marshalls, DSE Assessor and First Aiders

Dear All. We are looking for volunteers for fire marshals, DSE Assessors and First Aiders.  If you are interested please email Trish Bower, p.a.bower@shu.ac.uk.  Details of courses can be found below.  Hi-Vis jackets will be supplied! Further Information can be found using the links below: Fire Marshall training, updating information can be found on this…

‘Tis the season for a carol service

Christmas is fast approaching and next week the annual University Carol Service will be taking place. Get yourselves down to Hallam Hall at 4:30pm on Tuesday 17 December for the service. There will be carols, readings, prayers, non-alcoholic mulled wine and mince pies for all. The event is open to all staff, students, family and friends.…

DTS Risk Log

This is a quick reminder that DTS has a central risk log which is located on SharePoint, (see link below). However, the risk log and associated risk management process is being redeveloped into a Jira workflow and dashboard. Details of this new log will be sent out in January along with some testing and awareness…

Staff Leaving

Next week we say goodbye and wish all the very best to the following members of staff: Dave Wragg Kevin Blake Steve Flowers Debbie Alton These people have all made a massive contribution to DTS over the years, and will be missed. They have all got to pop in whenever they are in town.

Request from Kathryn Swanson

My daughter, Emma, is going to Costa Rica in Summer 2021 with Camps International.  While there, she will be undertaking community, wildlife and environmental project work. Emma is raising funds to pay for the trip through a number of activities.  One event is a raffle that we will be holding at her dance show at…