World of Work Day on 4th February

World of Work Day on 4th February Sheffield Hallam hosted a World of Work Day which was attended by a group of up to 80 Y10 students (14/15 years old) from local schools and students coming to Sheffield Hallam to do their work experience placement during March. As part of the day, there was a…

Quiet Room and DVD Library

Please be aware that the quiet room is still in use in 20 Furnival Street and is sometimes used for prayer.  You are still welcome to use the quiet room if anyone is using it for prayers. We are also going to start a DVD library in there, just like the book library, so if…

New College and Faculty Model

The new College structure has been in place since 1 January. This diagram  shows how academic departments are located within the new structure, and how the Colleges compare to the old Faculties. Staff from teams across DTS have been working with the AOP project for several months to understand the impact of the changes on…

University Mental Health Day: 5th March 2020

University Mental Health Day is on 5th March and DTS will be holding some events which will be notified by email closer to the date.  Please email ! DTS Admin with any suggestions. Below is an update from our University Well-Being co-ordinator, Laura Humphries.  There is also a link below which takes you to a…

Staff News

Last week we welcomed our new Senior Administrator in Business Support, Jenny Miller.  Jenny will be working on reception and in Church House, so please say hello if you see her.


Can we please ask that people try not to have personal parcels sent to DTS.  We don’t mind the occasional package, but as you know, space is very limited and we are trying to keep a clear worktop behind reception. Thank you so much for your help with this.

Raising POs

There have been some changes from finance with regarding delivery code addresses when raising PO’s.   If you copy a requisition, please ensure that the address is correct.  Copying a previous PO will result in a missing or ‘Do Not Use’ address field.  The address is something that PO authorisers will therefore need to pay particular…

Call for Crates

We really need to get all the crates emptied and returned to reception as soon as possible, as we are being charged daily for them.  This is the black crates we use for moving and any of the larger PC crates. If you have any crates or know where any are, please either empty them…